Tokyo Prudential Tower

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緊急時の手順とベストプラクティスについては、 準備セクション。

For emergency procedures and best practices see the Preparedness section.

Lobby / Security Desk

phone +81-3-5501-5450

Global Security Command Center

phone +1-973-802-6675


東京都千代田区永田町2-13-10プルデンシャルタワー100-0014 , The Prudential Tower, 2-13-10 Nagata-cho, Chiyoda, Tokyo 100-0014 東京都千代田区永田町2-13-10プルデンシャルタワー100-0014 , The Prudential Tower, 2-13-10 Nagata-cho, Chiyoda, Tokyo 100-0014

PHJ セキュリティ ホットライン
PHJ Security Hotline


アラート Alerts

There are currently no alerts for this location.

セキュリティサービス Security Services

一般的なセキュリティに関する質問 General Security Questions

セキュリティ関連の質問はありますか?グローバルセキュリティとPHJセキュリティがお手伝い致します。 グローバルセキュリティとPHJセキュリティにお問い合わせください。

Have a security related question?

Global Security and PHJ Security can help! Contact Global Security and PHJ Security.

職場の脅威管理 Workplace Threat Management



Workplace Violence is any conduct that is sufficiently severe, offensive or intimidating to cause an employee to reasonably fear for their personal safety or the safety of their family, friends, co-workers and property. Recognize and report behaviors of concern observed in the workplace. We can all help each other create a safer work environment. (日本語対応可) Workplace Threat Management Resources *Link may not be accessible outside the firewall