


It is the responsibility of all employees to familiarise themselves with the fire safety and evacuation procedures. Individuals are responsible for their own personal safety and for ensuring that they do not endanger others. In particular, employees should:

  • Become familiar with the procedures detailed within this document
  • Become familiar with your nearest escape routes and location of break glass units
  • Evacuate the building upon hearing the fire alarm by nearest available unobstructed route
  • Assemble at the nearest Assembly Point

NOTE: Should you have any visitors / contractors under your control leave by nearest escape route and report to Assembly Point “1” located at front of building.


Fire Wardens

The Fire Wardens have responsibility for ensuring that their area is vacated in the event of an emergency and for ensuring that all employees, contractors and visitors proceed to the assembly points. PGIM Ireland Fire Wardens operate under a “sweep” system in which they visually verify that their work area is clear prior to leaving the building.

In Particular Fire Wardens should:

  • In the event of an alarm, immediately put on your reflective vest
  • If you are not at your allocated area at the time of the alarm activation, do not return to your allocated area, but vacate the building via the nearest clear exit route. You may assist the other Fire Wardens if requested.

NOTE:  Only fight the fire if you are between fire and exit route and it is safe to do so!

  • Assist in evacuating designated area by nearest clear exit route
  • Check all areas including toilets, meeting rooms and kitchens
  • Close all fire doors to stop spread of smoke (if safe to do so)
  • Proceed to assemble at the Assembly Point
  • Ensure employees do not return to building until told it is safe to do so by a member of the Fire Brigade or in the event of a fire drill the Facilities Department / Security.



Evacuate to building via nearest escape route and report to Assembly Point 1 (located at front of building)


Facilities / Security

Regular evacuation drills are conducted to ensure the fire alarm is working as intended, the evacuation plan is effective and that occupants become familiar with the plan.

In order to ensure continual improvement of emergency evacuation procedures the Facilities Department will complete the Fire Emergency Evacuation Drill Record document.

Facilities / Security staff to proceed to all assembly points, liaise with fire wardens and give all clear to re-enter buildings.

